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The Science Behind Cold Laser Therapy for Pain Relief

The Science Behind Cold Laser Therapy for Pain Relief

Laser therapies now abound for many medical treatments, and that includes podiatry. You may have heard of laser surgeries or laser skin toning, but what about laser pain relief? There are now effective pain relief therapies available for a number of foot problems using FDA-cleared MLS Laser therapy, also known as Cold Laser Therapy

At Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey, located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Joseph DiMenna, DPM, David DiMenna, DPM, and Joseph Bakanas, DPM, are talented and skilled podiatrists who can diagnose your foot pain and create the perfect treatment plan for relieving it; many causes of foot pain can be treated painlessly and effectively with cold laser therapy, a method of infrared laser light therapy.  

How does cold laser therapy relieve pain?

The cold laser therapy device we use at Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey employs various wavelengths of low-intensity light that can target various types of tissues. The name “cold laser therapy” is taken from the lack of heat generated by the laser as it penetrates the skin. The differing wavelengths stimulate damaged tissue and relieve inflammation, causing the body’s natural healing mechanisms to go to work. 

Cold laser therapy is completely noninvasive and causes absolutely no pain. During treatment, patients report feeling a light tingling sensation; this is from the increased circulation triggered by the laser. Your laser therapist controls the laser settings to facilitate the exact depth of penetration needed to prompt the necessary healing. 

How long is a cold laser therapy treatment?

Cold laser therapy sessions at Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey generally last only five to ten minutes. Each patient will usually require several sessions spaced over a few weeks or months to achieve the best healing benefits. Your podiatrist and his team can advise you of what to expect and a proposed treatment schedule during your consultation. 

Cold laser is not an instant fix for pain, but is a long-term solution for speeding the healing process, creating a more permanent solution. If you need short-term pain relief, your podiatrist can recommend other measures to help you cope and remain active while you heal. 

What types of pain can be treated with cold laser therapy?

Our podiatrists recommend cold laser therapy as a safe, noninvasive, and effective treatment with no harmful side effects, and we use it frequently for all kinds of aches and pains. Some of the most popular uses for cold laser therapy in our practice include: 

Infrared laser therapy has been around for many years and has the full approval of the FDA for treating mild to moderate pain from foot and ankle injuries and conditions. If you suffer from foot pain or a related problem, cold laser therapy could be an effective part of your treatment. 

Contact Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey to schedule an exam and consultation with one of our experienced podiatrists. We can diagnose and treat any foot or ankle problem to bring your relief from pain, restored mobility, and a better quality of life. 

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