Struggling with bunion pain? Don’t let discomfort slow you down! Discover five simple ways to keep your bunion pain to a minimum and stay on your feet.
Did you fall asleep feeling fine and wake up with a swollen, red, and painful big toe that feels like it’s on fire? Probably gout. Learn more about this type of diet-related arthritis.
A sprained ankle is painful but may not seem like a big deal – but untreated ankle sprains have serious complications you don't want. Read on to learn about the consequences of an untreated ankle sprain and when to get treatment for ankle pain.
Only a doctor and an X-ray can tell for sure, but other signs may indicate you’ve got a broken toe. Learn about the symptoms of a toe fracture, including when to see a doctor and treatments that help reduce the risk of complications.
Fungus is everywhere but is more likely to thrive in damp, warm environments, such as the space between your toes. Read on to find out how to keep your toenails fungus-free.
Kids love to run, jump, and be free to play, which makes looking after their foot health very important. One aspect of great foot health is footwear. Read on to learn more about how to find the right shoes for your child.
Foot wounds are no walk-in part, especially when living with diabetes. Checking your feet daily can save you from serious complications like infection and amputations. Read on to learn why foot health is crucial with diabetes.
Twisted ankles resulting in sprains are common whether you’re an athlete on the run or simply stepping through a busy day. Moderate-to-severe sprains require a doctor’s care, but many ankle sprains are mild enough to respond to home remedies.
Heel pain that doesn’t go away, or frequently recurs, is a sign of an underlying issue. Visiting a foot and ankle specialist is the best way to get answers and effective options for getting relief from heel pain.
If you’re dealing with an ingrown toenail, you might wonder how best to treat it. Ingrown toenails can improve with simple home remedies, but not always. Find out here when this foot issue needs medical help.
Fungal infections can affect just about any place on your skin, and athlete's foot can cause many unpleasant problems for your feet and toes. It can also be spread to other parts of your body, so let’s find out how to prevent it.
What are you feeding your joints? Some foods nourish and fuel your body, while others negatively affect joint health. Here’s what to eat and avoid to keep your joints working smoothly.
Neuropathy pain can manifest in many ways, including burning pain and tingling sensations. Exercise can boost blood flow and help ease some neuropathy pain. Here’s a look at the top exercise for nerve pain in your feet.
Improper nail clipping causes many, or even most, ingrown toenails. But most people who develop ingrown toenails don’t realize they’re clipping their nails wrong. A few simple nail grooming changes can prevent this problem.
Are you living with painful gout flare-ups? Your diet could be working against you. This issue can come on suddenly and cause intense pain, but there are ways to keep it at bay. Read on to learn more.
You have a bunion if your big toe takes a sharp turn toward the pinky side of your foot and has a large bump at the base joint. Surgery isn’t always necessary, but when it is, follow these recovery tips.
You used to take to your feet with energy and a spring in your step. However, these days, you notice you’re moving a little differently, and you’re wondering if arthritis is to blame.
If you develop Type 2 diabetes, you’re at a higher risk of developing further complications. One condition commonly associated with diabetes is neuropathy. Learn what neuropathy is and how to prevent and treat it.
Do you wear shoes at the beach and full-coverage clogs by the pool? Nail fungus can really cramp your summer style. If you keep your feet under cover even when the weather warms up, we can help clear your nail fungus and free your toes this summer.
We use our feet all the time, and because of that, they’re prone to a variety of injuries and conditions. Morton’s neuroma is a painful foot condition that makes walking and other functions harder. Find out how orthotics can help.
If you suffer from gout, you’re familiar with the intense joint pain and aches that interfere with your everyday life. Keep the pain at bay by preventing flare-ups with some simple lifestyle changes. Continue reading to learn how.
Foot warts can become painful and require professional intervention. Read on to learn what foot warts are, when you should seek care, and what the treatment options are.
Have you sprained your ankle? And are you wondering how long it will take to heal? Read on to get a general idea of when you may be able to get back on your feet.
You feel an occasional tingle in your toes, or maybe some brief numbness in your fingers — no big deal, right? Actually, these are the first warning signs of neuropathy, and they’re nudging you to do something about it before it gets worse.
A toe that won’t lie flat anymore can keep you from wearing open-toed shoes, but if it also limits your mobility or causes extreme pain, you may need surgery to correct the hammertoe.
If you have diabetes, you may not think of it as a problem that requires a podiatrist. You likely already have a primary care doctor, an endocrinologist, and an eye doctor. Why do you need a specialist for your feet? We explain in this post.
An ingrown toenail may seem like a minor issue, but without proper care and attention, it can develop into a painful problem that boosts your risk of infection. Learn when it can heal independently and when it requires professional treatment.
Knowing what risk factors come with your sport is an important first step in preventing injuries, big and small. Keep reading to find out if your sport makes our list of activities that cause stress fractures.
As the weather heats up and you break out your summer sandals, here’s what you need to know about the possible risks and side effects of getting a pedicure and what you can do to protect your feet.
Foot pain can strike at any time of the day, but if your foot hurts most often in the morning, it could be a sign of plantar fasciitis. In this blog, we cover the nighttime treatments that can help alleviate morning foot pain.
Whether you enjoy walking, or you avoid it, you won’t miss pains that start in the lower-back portion of your leg, or any of the possible complications. Read on to learn more about where this pain originates and what you can do about it.
Is that a phantom pebble in your shoe? Oddly enough, feeling like you have a pebble in your shoe can be a sign of Morton’s neuroma. In this blog, we explore five signs of Morton’s neuroma and how you can find relief.
It’s likely no surprise to hear that ankle injuries are common, and they often heal on their own. Nor is it a surprise that ankle fractures are a more serious injury than most. Did you know you can take steps to try to avoid an ankle fracture?
It’s nearly impossible to ignore aching feet, but is a shoe insert from a pharmacy enough to alleviate your pain? Read on to learn about they differences between custom and over-the-counter orthotics δΈ€ and why custom orthotics deliver more benefits.
Have you ever seen someone with toenail fungus and wondered how they got it? The truth is, nail fungus can be spread from person to person. Keep reading to learn how you can avoid this unsightly foot problem.
Pain in your feet makes it difficult to get anything done during the day — especially if you’re up walking around a lot. Orthotics can help, but there’s a big difference between what our experts can offer and the generic options available in stores.
Do you suffer from diabetes? Have you noticed slow-healing wounds on your feet? Find out why diabetics should always pay attention to their feet, and learn about the treatments available for diabetes-related foot issues.
Now, your podiatrist can harness the power of low-intensity lasers, known as cold laser therapy, to reduce pain from a number of foot problems while boosting your body’s healing properties. Learn how it can work for you.
High heels might be the pièce de résistance of your outfit, but are they ruining your feet? Continue reading to learn about the many foot problems that can be attributed to wearing high heels.
There are two types of fungal problems that can affect your feet — toenail fungus and athlete’s foot. Here, we explore the signs of a brewing infection and, more importantly, how we go about remedying the issues.
You don’t have to be an athlete or runner to sprain, strain, or fracture your ankle. Women, men, and children of all ages can — and do — injure this essential joint. If you’ve twisted or rolled your ankle, should you see a podiatrist? That depends.
Is foot pain keeping you from participating in your favorite activities? Foot arthritis is a common issue, and it can hinder your mobility more than you’d like. Learn more about how arthritis can affect your feet and what you can do about it.
Wearing the right shoes with good arch support and a wide toe base helps relieve Morton’s neuroma pain, but which lifestyle habits make your neuroma worse? In this blog, we cover five habits that worsen Morton’s neuroma.
Gout is a painful form of arthritis that can greatly impact your feet. Intense flare-ups in the big toe joint are a ubiquitous symptom that can make your daily life difficult. Thankfully, effective treatment can go far.
The stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis is hard to resolve, but with the right treatment, you can potentially find relief in a few months. These five strategies can be effective in healing your heel pain.
Are your feet itching, burning, and blistering? Perhaps you have other symptoms too. Find out if your health concern could be athlete’s foot, a type of fungal infection.
Custom orthotics can revolutionize your way of living. No longer will you feel pain when you’re standing, walking, or even running. Read on to learn about the benefits of custom orthotics.
How do you know if you have a serious toenail problem? If the edges of your toes hurt, bleed, are red or swollen, you might be suffering from an ingrown toenail. When should you seek medical treatment for an ingrown toenail? Read on.
Nail fungus is embarrassing, unsightly, and just plain painful. It’s also hard to get rid of. Learn what you can do to reduce your chances of getting an infection and treat it when you do.
Who wouldn’t want to kick like Cristiano Ronaldo or jump like Simone Biles? Yeah, you want feet as strong and flexible as an athlete’s feet. But trips to the gym and beach this summer could get you something you don’t want—athlete’s foot.
If you’re struggling with foot or ankle pain or inflammation, there’s an effective, no-risk treatment that can provide relief in a matter of minutes. Read on to learn more about cold laser therapy and eight conditions that it can heal.
If you wear the right orthotics, you can prevent a world of pain. Here’s why you should opt for custom orthotics to help ease the pain in your feet and joints.
An ingrown toenail doesn’t have to be a painful reality for you. Put these tips into practice and avoid this toenail issue and the discomfort that comes with it.
As the weather turns warmer, more people play sports in the great outdoors. Learn five basic tips for preventing sports injuries both inside and outside this spring.
If you feel beleaguered by ongoing foot pain, sensitivity or numbness between your toes, you might suffer from Morton’s neuroma. Fear not. Treatment is close at hand.
High heels can have a serious impact on the health of your feet. You may think the pain is normal, but it’s not. Read on to learn how wearing high heels can lead to a condition called hammertoe.
Managing diabetes involves more than monitoring your sugar levels. It requires daily foot care to prevent minor foot issues from becoming major complications. Learn how this chronic disease impacts your feet and how to identify these problems.
You might have plantar fasciitis and not even know it. Have you ever woken up with intense pain in your heel? Or maybe after a long day of work you notice some discomfort. Here are the best ways to relieve the pain.
If you suffer from chronic back pain, your feet are probably the last thing on your mind. However, the way you support your body when you stand and walk has a big impact on your spine. Learn how custom orthotics can remedy chronic back pain.
Have you been struggling with chronic foot pain? Consider low-level laser therapy. This effective treatment can help reduce your chronic foot pain, so you can live a pain-free life.
The last thing you want to deal with just as summer hits is athlete’s foot — that itchy, burning, cracking, peeling mess that makes your feet look and feel terrible. Learn how to avoid the things that cause the condition.
A common, yet embarrassing problem, toenail fungus impacts millions of American adults. Although tennis shoes and toenail polish can mask it, they don’t make toenail fungus disappear. To find out why you should seek treatment now, keep reading!
The medical condition that is known as arthritis often causes pain and swelling in the joints of the toes. The toes may have difficulty in bending upwards or may permanently become bent in a downward position.
The condition known as flat feet occurs when the arch is absent from the foot. This may happen as a result of the aging process, which can cause the arches to drop, in addition to genetic factors.
Research has indicated that one of the reasons elderly people develop uncomfortable foot conditions can come from a loss of cushioning in the feet. Additionally, as the aging process occurs, poor circulation is a common ailment among seniors.
Warts are very common and come in many different forms. Plantar warts, also known as verrucae warts, differ from most other warts for various reasons. They only form on the sole of the foot and are a result of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
A large bony protrusion on the side of the big toe is indicative of a condition that is referred to as a bunion. Foot pain may be a common symptom if a bunion exists, and it may be difficult to wear shoes. There are several reasons why bunions may develop.
For many women, one of the first signs of summer may include wearing flip flops. The lack of laces makes them simple to wear, and can be considered favorite shoes to wear in warm weather.
A fungal infection that is referred to as athlete’s foot can be uncomfortable and painful. The most common place for this condition to develop is between the toes, which may cause severe itching.
If you have fallen or twisted your ankle, you may have broken your foot. There are numerous bones, ligaments and tendons that are located in each foot, and one or more may easily fracture if falling occurs.
A blister that develops on the foot can be painful and uncomfortable. It is most likely caused by excessive friction that occurs in one area of the skin. The outer layer of the skin disintegrates, and a small pocket of fluid forms over the raw skin.
Cuboid syndrome is caused by partial dislocation of bones in the middle of the foot. Someone with cuboid syndrome usually feels pain around the middle of the foot or at the base of their toes.
Many children may endure foot and ankle injuries if they are involved in sporting activities. These may include basketball or football, which may involve a sudden change of direction.
The largest tendon in the body is referred to as the Achilles tendon. It is located in the back of the calf, and it’s function is to connect the lower leg to the heel of the foot.
A broken foot is one of the most debilitating injuries one can face, due to the fact that it hinders your ability to walk. A speedy recovery is ideal when dealing with broken bones, especially when it comes to broken bones within the feet.
The medical term that is referred to as cracked heels may develop more frequently during the warmer months, and this may be a result of wearing shoes that have an open back.
Our feet endure stress during most of the day as we accomplish daily activities. This may come from standing or walking for extended periods of time, and our feet will often tell us if something is amiss.
If you are experiencing foot pain as a result of disease or an arthritic condition, wearing custom-made orthotics may produce positive results. These are known as removable shoe inserts and may be helpful in providing moderate relief.
Women who enjoy wearing high heels are aware of the visual benefits from wearing this type of shoe, which may be a pleasing accessory to stylish clothing, or enhancing the shape of the foot.
If you have fallen unexpectedly or stepped abruptly off a curb, you may have had the displeasure of experiencing an ankle sprain. It is typically the result of the ankle suddenly twisting or rolling, which may move the ankle out of alignment.
The bones in the toe are known to be fragile, and may easily break if a foot injury occurs, or if something heavy is dropped on it. A broken toe is serious if the bone is protruding through the skin, which may make an infection likely to occur.
Many people experience a condition that is known as toenail fungus at some point in their lives. If there are small cuts in the skin surrounding the toenail, fungus may enter the body and attack the nail bed.