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3 Types of Foot Pain Remedied by Laser Treatments

Do you suffer from foot pain? Then you know how uncomfortable it can be. The constant burning sensation, numbness, and pain make it difficult to complete even the simplest of tasks. The good news is that laser treatments are an effective way to reduce chronic foot pain, so you can live a pain-free life.

Drs. Joseph DiMenna, David DiMenna, and Joseph Bakanas, and the rest of us at Family Foot and Ankle Center of South Jersey are here to treat your chronic foot pain. We'll answer your questions and help you decide if laser treatment is right for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Stop that foot pain in its tracks!

Condition #1: Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that’s incredibly common. It occurs when the tissue on the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed, leading to serious pain. While stretching, ice, massages, and taking NSAIDs is all well and good, low-level laser treatment can effectively minimize your pain in a noninvasive way.

During the procedure, the laser passes over the inflamed area and creates a reaction that minimizes pain and inflammation. If you're older or overweight, it's likely the symptoms will return. But, laser therapy can give you months of results before you'll need another treatment.

Condition #2: Arthritis

Arthritis doesn't just impact older individuals. If you consistently exercise in a way that puts a lot of pressure on the feet (running, jogging, etc.), are overweight, or spend lots of time standing, you might experience arthritis in your feet and ankles.

Laser treatment is a great way to promote healing in arthritic joints and minimize pain for longer periods at a time. It can also be used in conjunction with other arthritis treatments without causing problems.

Condition #3: Diabetic ulcers

Diabetic ulcers are one of the most frustrating and painful side effects of diabetes. They often do not respond to regular treatments and can be extremely uncomfortable for the patient. Fortunately, low-level laser therapy can be an effective option for treating diabetic ulcers, as well as a treatment that can be combined with others for a better overall effect. 

Can other types of foot pain be treated with laser therapy?

Yes. Pain-causing issues like tendonitis, neuroma, and even sports injuries can potentially be treated with low-level lasers. What you must do is seek out a podiatrist like Drs. DiMenna, DiMenna, or Bakanas and find out if the treatment will be effective for your specific situation and needs.

Don’t continue to live your life with foot pain; find out more about laser treatments today. Call 856-266-9572 to set up an appointment at our Cherry Hill, NJ office or book online.

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